PUT: https://{env}-api.xebo.ai/v3/survey-management/surveys/global

Key  Type  Mandatory  Description 
skip  string  no  Gives the skip value, by default it is 0 
limit  string  no  Determines the number of surveys in one page, by default it is 100. 
sort  string  no  Determines the sort order of surveys, it can be modified or created. Enum: [‘createdAt’, modifiedAt‘] 
sortOrder  string  no  Determines the sort order or surveys, it can be asc or desc. Enum: [1, -1] 
search  string  no  Search survey by title 
type: Bearer type 
token: <access token> granted from login API 
x-api-key: <api key copied from the platform> 
Content-Type: application/json 

Request Body

   "folderId": "3de43022-e62f-4979-aac4-b2bad11d3eb9",  
Key  Type  Mandatory  Description 
folderId  string  no  Folder Id for the folder for which you want to fetch all surveys. 

Request Sample

curl --location --request PUT 'https://az4-api.xebo.ai/v3/survey-management/surveys' \ 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.-kiGTfnGBjAdbOLJc' 
 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
 xhr.withCredentials = true; 
 xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { 

   if(this.readyState === 4) { 

 xhr.open("PUT", "https://az4-api.xebo.ai/v3/survey-management/surveys"); 
 xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e-kiGTfnGBjAdbOLJc"); 




   "data": [ 

       "title": "Survey 1", 
       "displayTitle": "Survey 1", 
       "numOfResp": 0, 
       "numOfQues": 2, 
       "uuid": "6abe1ed9-d7ea-4c10-8b8f-752ca1f060b8", 
       "createdAt": "2023-03-16T08:36:37.842Z", 
       "updatedAt": "2023-03-16T08:38:20.701Z" 
    "count": 1 
 "status":"Bad Request",
 "message":"Invalid parameters",
   "success": false, 
   "code": 403, 
   "status": "Forbidden", 
   "error": "FORBIDDEN", 
   "message": "You are not allowed to access this resource" 
   "success": false, 
   "code": 500, 
   "status": "Internal Server Error", 
   "error": "SERVER_ERROR", 
   "message": "Error in processing your request" 

Note: Please do not share your tokens in publicly accessible areas or to anyone. Also, this token generated is valid for 24 hours only. After its expiry, you can regenerate the access token from the same API endpoint by passing the username and password or from the refresh token API with the help of refresh token.

Get Survey

GET: https://{{env}}.survey2connect.com/v2/api/surveys/{{survey_id}} The value of environment {{env}} variable depends upon your datacenter. Refer to the Environment page for more details.…

Create Survey

POST: https://{env}-api.xebo.ai/v3/survey-management/surveys Query Params:  Key  Type  Mandatory  Description  folderId  string  no  Folder id where you want to create your survey …

Update a Survey

PATCH : https://{env}-api.xebo.ai/v3/survey-management/surveys/{survey_id} Headers Authorization: type: Bearer type token: <access token> granted from login API Or x-api-key: <api key copied…

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